Young Al was a curious boy
That found all his pleasures and joy
In making up crazy inventions
Defying all normal conventions
Some were spectacular, shiny
Others were small, often tiny
But one caused him no end of trouble
The invisibility bubble
It was an amazing machine
The like of it hasn’t been seen
Not even a closer inspection
Revealed a single reflection
The bubble was cosy inside
Which made it a good place to hide
Away from the world for his scheming
Quite simply a great place for dreaming
It happened in less than a blink
That left him with no chance to think
That possibly, rather than cheering
He should have equipped it with steering
The moment it started to roll
There was no way to regain control
There seemed to be no way of stopping
It simply was not keen on popping
The boy and his wonderous ball
Went crashing right into a wall
When it came it was quite a surprise
The end of this brilliant device